Talented Youths in the Informal Communities are Our Voice. We Provide More Art Opportunities to them so as to Shine and Use Informed Art to Shine the the World.
The 21st century has been faced by wars, inequalities, social injustices, rising plaques of climate change, not forgetting corruption and yet professionals are still doing their best to bring remedy to those constraints. This is what Informs the art we develop with Youths so as to Champion for Social Change globally.
Indeed in some respects, creative art has been ignored in some states yet it is so rich in education and talent .The big question Nameta Trust asks is whether we can use arts to SAVE and CHANGE the world
Nameta Trust supports arts activities, competitions, and events for youth in informal settlements. Contribute to our organization today!
Youths are the future and the better future lies in their hands, failing to nurture their minds at present worsens what bad we expect to see change in the World. They are Creative and gifted differently therefore holistic growth is Vital. Examination is NOT the only measure of Competent Society. Arts supplements Economies and betters living styles to the masses.
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The Undeveloped Country Even After Independence
The world is a large globe that no one can tell its function but everyone…

Why I will continue to ask the right question…
Art cares and I will tell you how.It easily brands the talented and non talented…

My Story Never Ends
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