Nameta Publication

The Undeveloped Country Even After Independence

The world is a large globe that no one can tell its function but everyone can always tell its development. It’s a thing that comes with a critical thinking that not only a little people can think.

It has been a long time ever since many people have gotten independence in their countries because of so many struggles many countries have developed.

It’s with much attention that only small country have developed their economy.

Our country has been among the third word counties in terms of development even after the struggle for our heroes did to get us free all this that’s within ourselves as Kenyans. What really hurts mostly is not that we are free people we are still the same who were not independent.

All this things start from us and our political leaders us Kenyans and other people outside.

Kenyans who come to invent our own things starting with the political leaders they do all this to satisfy themselves rather than saving their own people from the problems that surround them. With much attention corruption has become the most effective thing that brings our country backwards.

If our leaders are involved in this then the Kenyans will follow the ways of the leaders therefore this leads to things that bring our nation backwards. We Kenyans always do what is wrong in order to satisfy our own self .All this come when our government does not put strict rules over its people.

Mostly all the people have forgotten their qualities as citizens thereby doing anything to earn a living which brings about insecurity, lawlessness and many other things therefore we still continue being the same  Kenyans in 1960.

How can a visitor enter into your home and you allow him/ her to control you?

This is what is happening to Kenyans when the Europeans came to our country and ruled us taking all our possession and controlling us. This takes our country to under development. This is a story that can’t be explained of how it comes.

All this I can’t understand of how we say we are developed when we borrow money from the outside banks. Actually this is not a to be looked at its something to be actioned for we have land, beautiful  sceneries, lakes and all those tourist attraction but the big question is where does the money go into big people pockets  or I we told it helps the needy people in Kenya or what.

How can each day and every month our political leaders go to big conferences or to study the way the other nations do for development. I don’t think it’s the case it’s just a way to spend our money having leisure it’s a shameful thing to a leader.

Insecurity, corruption this are the major things finishing our country cause most places in Kenya lack security due to corruption among the police and among others. Finding our politicians or leaders causing a drama in certain places while the police are watching even without speaking what a shame to our country.

Instead of us Kenyans watching ourselves we tend to watch other nation’s development. Like here in Kenya you find people buying products from other countries and this leads to under development of our industries. Most of the goods we always do sell in other nations we sell at a lower price but other nations sell their goods at a higher price making huge profits.

Secure what is insecure, corrupt what is corrupted and you will be able to develop what is under developed and control what is uncontrollable.

Kenya can do too much if it wants we have got a lot to earn than what we lose but our leaders tend to benefit themselves. Change Kenya to be a presentable country in the world especially in North East land is such a pity to those people when they live in a place where no water, security and food and death is the expectations. In pain moments of their wind while the leaders waste their money going to trips that do not benefit.

I wonder how the Chinese came and started drilling oil but the people of that region could not accept it that’s what we really say its independence. We should never look forward at other nations while leaving ours behind. Let’s change Kenya especially in economy. It’s such a pity when we see Europeans coming and controlling our companies. Just look at the Kenyan companies, the Europeans are the CEOs while fellow Kenyans are like slave workers, no one can work without a servant. They better watch out because now we have started understanding the secret of the world.

We as Kenyans vote for leaders of tomorrow who will serve as in good care. All this are words from our leaders during the election time and period. All the leaders in the parliament have been chosen by us Kenyans in order for them to take care of our needs as a country, country, and warder region.

One thing truly doubling my mind of how our leaders are always paid.

“THE SITTING ALLOWANCE” This is really undoubted thing because if we choose them to serve us why should they be paid when going to get the piece of advice of leadership.

But it was said people down stairs are really far from those upstairs we are normally Kenyans instead of being served we are being used. Each and every step that Kenya is moving is always contained by corruption and now it has gone to an extend of making the nation not to develop itself. Which development has happened to Kenyans is it the buying of big cars for the leaders and building houses that they change like clothes, which other change has happened.

Since we got independence we have become more slaves than even before. What really hurts me a lot is when I listen to people saying that we have developed and independent country and that we should be proud of. I think that is total blindness.

The essential question is how can we end this and grow to become a developed country?

(Invented by J.K.M)

An Article done; John,Form one Student-ACK Mukangasya High School.

My power is in my writing because I care for change. Check more of my series here:

Nameta Publication

Why I will continue to ask the right question…

Art cares and I will tell you how.It easily brands the talented and non talented in society in a way that’s so easy. How many youths can use their art to fight poverty or influence Change? This remains rhetoric right? The world gives birth to a people of integrity and visionary, I totally agree to this for real. Hurdles in life make people make the wrong choices especially in poverty stricken zones,community hardly hit by war,neglect,tribal clashes,instigation of groups or individuals .

Can art provide an answer to this question.Whether you connect to this or not the fact remains-poverty has no pity. It strikes hardest at its most vulnerable victims—our youths,more so our children. Few other professionals are more keenly aware of this sad fact than teachers.

Yes,teachers!Even those educators who do not teach in schools will compliment. The developing nations of the world are currently facing prevalent economic meltdown. The world economies are increasingly destabilizing and developing countries face the threat of sinking into exorbitant national debts. It’s because the struggle is real and they would like to keep their economies significant while eyeing rescue from foreign aid.

In Nameta Trust we believe this hurdles are brought about by;

  • Failing to avail adequate national resources to all citizens.
  • The endless question of employment opportunities to job seekers while appraising their remuneration. In return the working and productive citizens pay taxes conduct trades that assure the government of its acquisition of revenue and foreign exchange.
  • Poverty.
  • Failed education systems in some countries that do not address adequately the future of work.
  • Corruption.
  • Bad governance.

This cycle however does not really actualize due to other internal and external factors that fiercely interfere with the process of growing an economy for developing countries.We ought therefore need to ask the right question and quench thirst of making a world a better place to live in!

We can build thriving communities by providing more opportunities to the youths through Music especially those who are living in the informal communities! The solution to Poverty is not only securing job opportunities in offices but also from skilled young people in the Arts Sector. Nameta Trust will continue asking this question.

Catch YoungFaceKenya Live on KUTv tomorrow Morning 26th February,2018.His take on Poverty Eradication and Fighting Corruption is one on its own.

Nameta Publication

My Story Never Ends

Yes,my story never ends and i will tell you why. Until we stamp out Corruption in our communities,the world remains at a risk of economic breakdown,Poverty,Inequality and Conflict.

Corruption is one the many social injustices that has paralyzed the function of the oneness of a people. It all depends on how you define it,Corruption to me is any deceitful and dishonest act that leads to acquisition of service or favor unjustly and denial of the same to an individual who has lawfully earned the point of interest. Corruption is taking place in different ways and forms globally. Ranging from individuals to institutions and companies whether government or private, this social evil has taken roots to a level that renders it unbeatable in the eyes of many people. Corruption is practiced in the work places like offices and in the diverse fields of life. In offices it is mainly propagated by the greed of the service render that in most cases is purported to be the senior and the need of the service seeker who finds himself or herself compelled to give a bribe in order to be given access to something they want. Guys in the office admit this please,,,

It’s because of corruption that many can’t secure jobs easily hence doubling the unemployment rate in informal communities, especially in developing countries.We Deny available opportunities to individuals since we need a favor first from them. Youths continue to learn and adopt this practice at their own level, not avoiding baseless arguments around provision and delivery of services.

Corruption therefore is a dishonest, illegal and improper use of public power and authority contrary to the rights of the citizens. For instance in Kenya, Chapter 6 of the constitution deals with integrity of office bearers and there are other laws that are in place to tackle corruption. E.g.The ethics and anti corruption Commission Act, 2011, which establishes the ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission in Kenya.Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes Act, The Kenya Bribery Act 2016,not forgetting international laws that help in stamping out corruption globally.

There is need to make a world a corruption free area where all of us embrace values that matter. Nameta Trust is committed to make this Change! ART is our Weapon! Join Nameta Trust Today as our Ambassador to help us drive Social Change in the Informal Communities. We believe Art is a tool that can be used to address some of the vices that affect in our society Today!

Youths form the better part in driving this,they form the current and future current generation.Through our Support, we shine them by giving them available Opportunities and therefore end up shining the World by creating Social Change!
Let’s do this!!!!
Catch Poetry toxic and Ogedaranking do their thing at KUTV tomorrow Monday in the Morning Show! Its Arts and Culture! Rise Today to Make a Social Change!


Why we need to embrace Social Justice!

Just how often ones needs justice is a question many of us will always ask. Are you a victim of Injustice? If YES, then you have a clue on what social justice is. In case your answer is NO, then your neighbor should count on this.

Social Justice is a huge topic in the world we are living today. And I will tell you why: Social injustices are committed in the homes, the market places, offices, departments, institutions and companies/industries.

In the endeavor of Nameta trust to help curb and even eradicate the prevailing social challenges that are haunting the people of Kenya, the world at large and crippling both individual land national development, the following are suggestions on approaches that can enable the fight against social in justices to remain valid and fruit bearing.

Creating awareness among the people and emphasis on the need to be educated on the problems associated with corruption and bribery. For this to be effective mass education has to be conducted within the public domain in institutions organizations through the scope of media.

Training the youth and school going persons on equality its advantages and potential to create social change in the society. The youth and people at large have misconceptions about equality. To impact a change on this mind-set a comprehensive informative program should be availed to the youth to create awareness on the need to uphold equality.

There is a need to publicize the dangers of environmental pollution by factories and other industries that contribute to pollution more so of the atmosphere through the poisonous gaseous and liquid emissions. Climate change can be addressed through the media as well as through a practical artistic approach which involves use of art to educate and propagate the essence of environmental conservation.

Education is light. Through education of the people in schools and higher learning institutions the nation can develop individuals who are learned hence able to combat all forms of social injustice.

It is justice when there is,

  • Fair distribution of wealth.
  • Opportunities and privileges are given equally to individuals and organization within a society.
  • No discrimination whatsoever.
  • Mechanisms are put in place to eradicate poverty especially in informal communities and in developing countries globally.
  • Fair application of law in judicial systems.
  • Proper leadership that demonstrates integrity and upholding of available laws.

The Constitution of Kenya accords equal rights and freedom from discrimination. This is the main basis and foundation for social justice.

In Nameta Trust,we use Art to Champion for Social Change.If you believe Social Justice,come on board and join us.Lets Move the art agenda to the next level.

One of our Incubated Artists,and Ambassador the Ink Painter will be talking about this broad topic on Monday 5th February,2018 at KUTv in the Rise Today Morning Show.Join the conversation now.

Nameta Publication

Why Change is Inevitable

What can Music offer to the Current generation?Is it just entertainment or its the beat,pomp and color?What do you look for in a piece of Music?Its arrangement,tune and melody or the power of its lyrics?So many questions here! Many of us here,if not few might debate about what music is made of.Of course yes if you have been in this genre for sometime.There lies an hidden gold in a piece of Music.The power of lyrics!

Music is meant to inspire,educate,sooth,entertain and just like any other piece of art, earn a living. How many of us then will look for all this in a piece of Music? Take for instance the world current situation,how many youths and Musicians in that case,use this power of art to drive social change?I leave it up to you to do the statistics. HotBox Music Crew ran a one day Music workshop in Mukuru, Nairobi.One of the informal communities in Kenya!

It was about youth inspiring other youths to greater heights in the field of arts.It was evident from the looks and courage that Music can be used as tool to change the world.Mwas,one of the facilitators made it clear by sharing his personal journey by saying and I quote, ” The only driving force in you is admitting who you are,finding value in you ,using that value to drive change in you and then changing the world in the end!”

Developing countries undergo severe pains of under development due to Corruption,social injustices, inequality,poverty and poor environment conservation. Why then should we remain mute over this when singing or developing any piece if art?We can use Music to change the mindset of our people .

Change is inevitable at all costs.Let’s use our art then to influence Change in the world.

Nameta Trust is in the front line to drive change in the informal communities through art.Its about creating opportunities for the youths through art as well.With this therefore we are assured of shining our youths and giving them an opportunity to shine the world.

If you believe on what we are doing, join us and give your support!Thanks you HotBox Music Crew for being vibrant change makers in the informal settlements,we acknowledge your endless effort and support in our organization.


It is all About Me

It’s all about me to make a change in the world!Whether a child,a youth,a professional,a parent,a religious leader,a farmer and so on.That person is me.You can play numerous roles to make it happen.And I will tell you why!

The world we are living today is faced with countless hurdles that no one can appreciate any of it.The looks of physical environment is wanting,corruption, pangs of hard economies,social injustices,inequality etc.These are the obstacles to great developments!

Supposing we all took parts and said,enough said and undone,we can make a mark of change on planet earth,how would that be?Take a look on people serving humanity,is the serving 100% from their hearts?Is it all about “we are empowering some individuals and giving them support?”Come on,let’s be honest with ourselves and drive change for real!

Arts will change the world more than politics and philosophies,this is why;

  • Its so rich in content if well branded.
  • Connects easily,how many of us have no connection at all?
  • Can be one’s career and enable him earn income.
  • A platform to explore opportunities.

This is why art matters to us you know! We use art to drive social change!
Creative dance is one of the tools we use in our programs to enable our youths explore more opportunities.Use dance to tell the world what needs to change in our communities!
If you believe in arts for Social change and creating opportunities for our youths, join us today and let’s make the world a better place to live in!


The Story that Never ends

Equality is a huge topic that everyone,if not you,would want to explore!It cuts across from availing and accessing resources,gender sensitiveness,service delivery just to name a few.

Katua, a grade 6 student at Gatoto School Nairobi Kenya seems to know all about this! Recently Nameta Trust held a drawing Contest based on theme: equality. This contest attracted more than eighty students from grade 4 to 8 across the school.

Instructions were clearly given on what to do just before the contest. Katua having grown with this story,he emerged top by beating his classmates and his seniors in interpreting the theme.The Power of his pencil was evident.He had amazing drawing skills beside theme interpretation.

The relationship between developing careers and securing jobs in Kenya is enormous nightmare.Katua compares this by proving that some people initiate small businesses that fail to work in the informal communities.The gap between those who succeed and fail was evident in his drawing.

We come in to challenge lovers of Change and Development about this!What role do we play to bridge gaps of inequality? Nameta Trust continues to ask this question.We believe in inspiring Change so as to save current and the next generation!!


What could be the Role of Arts in transforming our communities?

What happens when youths access Art in informal communities? The opportunities are countless. They get reinforcement of what they are learning in schools or colleges. Arts adds value to their education!Education in the arts is also rich in changing mindset of the audience! Its this education that we use influence change in society .

They build on their art career!Yes,developing art as a career starts here! They earn income that can sustain their lives, branding arts is an hidden treasure!

We are sure of building our society ,country, world together. An element of collective responsibility is real here! The journey of creating a better world begins early and this enables us to invest in the current generation to save on the future!

Youths are change agents! They bring fun through entertainment. Educate the public on issues that matter to all of us! We learn how to curb corruption,better our environment,speak about our rights, grow our economy and deviate from social injustices that are rampant in these communities!

Youths are the future of our next generations!They too have a role to change the world for the betterment of their lives and everyone of us! By supporting youths, we open for them opportunities!We raise their voices!

Why should youths engage in crime? Robbery, Prostitution, drop out of school because of poverty, drugs or poor parenting?Why should politicians use and abuse them during elections? Why should “employers” give them jobs and pay them peanuts? Why should should we ignore their plight and punish them? Why?

There is negligence if not assumption about all this. Why should all this happen in a world that we all care for? As we talk about development, its vital to put interests of our youths in place! Making a change is all about collective responsibility! We need contribution of each one of us!

In Nameta Trust we do not accept this! We believe that talented youths should find value through arts! They are noble and beneficial to the world we are living! They have a role to play in transforming our communities! Equality is our target here! To bridge the gap between the rich and poor.Eradicate poverty, conserve our environment and fight social injustices!

We provide opportunities to them through arts in our six programmes!! Mentor youths,enable them to access art and shine, package it with the right content and use it to change the world! Join us in this drive to make it happen! We ought to make a world a better place to live in through arts!