Art cares and I will tell you how.It easily brands the talented and non talented in society in a way that’s so easy. How many youths can use their art to fight poverty or influence Change? This remains rhetoric right? The world gives birth to a people of integrity and visionary, I totally agree to this for real. Hurdles in life make people make the wrong choices especially in poverty stricken zones,community hardly hit by war,neglect,tribal clashes,instigation of groups or individuals .

Can art provide an answer to this question.Whether you connect to this or not the fact remains-poverty has no pity. It strikes hardest at its most vulnerable victims—our youths,more so our children. Few other professionals are more keenly aware of this sad fact than teachers.

Yes,teachers!Even those educators who do not teach in schools will compliment. The developing nations of the world are currently facing prevalent economic meltdown. The world economies are increasingly destabilizing and developing countries face the threat of sinking into exorbitant national debts. It’s because the struggle is real and they would like to keep their economies significant while eyeing rescue from foreign aid.

In Nameta Trust we believe this hurdles are brought about by;

  • Failing to avail adequate national resources to all citizens.
  • The endless question of employment opportunities to job seekers while appraising their remuneration. In return the working and productive citizens pay taxes conduct trades that assure the government of its acquisition of revenue and foreign exchange.
  • Poverty.
  • Failed education systems in some countries that do not address adequately the future of work.
  • Corruption.
  • Bad governance.

This cycle however does not really actualize due to other internal and external factors that fiercely interfere with the process of growing an economy for developing countries.We ought therefore need to ask the right question and quench thirst of making a world a better place to live in!

We can build thriving communities by providing more opportunities to the youths through Music especially those who are living in the informal communities! The solution to Poverty is not only securing job opportunities in offices but also from skilled young people in the Arts Sector. Nameta Trust will continue asking this question.

Catch YoungFaceKenya Live on KUTv tomorrow Morning 26th February,2018.His take on Poverty Eradication and Fighting Corruption is one on its own.